
Complaints regulation

ROX PAY (hereafter ROX PAY) has entrusted responsibility for the grievance process to an entity to which customer complaints must be addressed before appealing to the Banking and Financial Arbitrator (ABF).

Please note that:

-By continuing to browse this site, you confirm that you have read, understand and agree to our terms and conditions.
-it has been agreed to regulate the operation of the process by providing that complaints addressed to ROX PAY shall be promptly forwarded to the head of the Office, who shall render his or her own judgment on each complaint filed and, if the complaint is upheld, shall provide guidance to the O.F.G. as to the steps to be taken;
-Bank of Italy has issued provisions on out-of-court dispute resolution systems for banking and financial transactions and services, establishing the ABF and providing for mandatory membership of the latter by intermediaries;
-Title VI of the ABF provisions stipulated that intermediaries are required to have adequate organizational structures and internal procedures, or by identifying a head of the customer complaint handling function;
-Bank of Italy, with the issuance of the subsequent provisions on the transparency of banking and financial transactions and services, has established, in Sec. XI, the organizational requirements that intermediaries are required to prepare in handling complaints.


it was agreed to regulate the operation of the complaint procedure in the ABF procedure as follows.

Art. 1. Complaints Office – ROX PAY shall provide for the establishment of a complaints procedure – by pre-positioning a person in charge of it – aimed at receiving, transmitting, registering, and administratively acknowledging the complaints made by the customers of the Financial Intermediary. Complaints will be technically examined and decided by the specific function as regulated in Article 3 below.
Art. 2 Form of Complaint – Complaints, addressed free of charge by customers to the Complaints Office of ROX PAY SPA by ordinary mail and/or fax and/or e-mail, should preferably be formalized by means of the appropriate form made available at the ROX PAY offices and free of charge downloadable from the ROX PAY website itself. In any case, they must highlight, in a non-equivocal manner, the nature of complaint attributed to the communication itself and relating to the contestation of a behavior or omission of ROX PAY.
Art. 3 Deadlines for receipt- Complaints will be promptly, and in any case within the term of 3 days of their receipt, sent to the person in charge of the procedure, as well as of any appeals to the ABF, together with all the documentation necessary for the examination of the complaint.
Art. 4 Examination of complaints- The procedure for complaints provides for the examination of individual complaints, with the acquisition of all useful documentation and the elements deemed necessary for this purpose, and to transmit to the customer, by means of a special written report for each complaint submitted, its judgment.
Art. 5 Judgment – The person in charge of complaints will rule on the complaint within 30 days of its receipt, indicating, in the event of its acceptance, the expected timeframe for compliance, also providing specific indications to the O.F.G. on the initiatives to be taken for the purpose of accepting the customer’s petition and the timeframe for the implementation of the aforementioned initiatives.
Art. 6 Appeal to the ABF – If the complaint is found to be unfounded, the Office will provide the client with a clear and comprehensive explanation of the reasons for the rejection, as well as the necessary indications about the possibility of appealing to the Banking and Financial Arbitrator – ABF or other forms of out-of-court dispute resolution. In the case of an appeal to the ABF, the office, as soon as it receives a copy of the customer’s appeal, will prepare counter-arguments in sufficient time so that the same can transmit to the competent technical secretariat of the ABF the counter-arguments together with all the documentation useful for the purposes of assessing the appeal including that relating to the complaint stage.
Art. 7 Recording- The person in charge of complaints will ensure the recording of the essential elements of each complaint received, as well as any measures taken in favor of the client to resolve the problem raised, and will take care of (i) the annual publication on the website; and (ii) a report on the complaint handling activity with related data.
Art. 8 – Update – ROX PAY will ensure that it keeps itself constantly updated regarding the guidelines followed by the ABF deciding body, through consultation of the electronic archive of the decisions of the relevant colleges published on the Internet.
Art. 9 – Precedents – ROX PAY will assess the complaints received also in light of the aforementioned guidelines, verifying whether the issue submitted by the customer falls within similar cases to those already decided by the colleges and considering the solutions adopted in such cases.
Art. 10 Publicity – ROX PAY aware of the desirability of customers being adequately informed of the manner in which the complaints submitted by it will be examined, will ensure that the system referred to in this Rule is widely publicized among such customers.

To officially initiate a grievance procedure, please fill out our dedicated PDF form.