Terms and conditions


Terms and conditions

These terms describe the General Conditions of Use (“CGDU”) of the products and services made available to the user by Rox Pay S.r.l. (hereinafter “Rox”) and by companies belonging to the same corporate group on their online channels.
Different terms and conditions may be applicable to specific Rox websites and / or platforms or to partner websites and platforms integrated and, in this case, please refer to the CGDU contained therein.
Access to or use of the “Rox” websites and platforms and / or of the product or service for which the user registers , implies acceptance of these general conditions of use. If the user does not agree or does not intend to accept the terms and conditions of these CGDU for accessing or using the products and services he intends to use, the same user must not register or continue the browsing on Rox websites and / or platforms, nor proceeding with the purchase of products and services related to such registration.

These general conditions of use apply both to consumers in compliance with the Consumer Code Legislative Decree. 206/2005 and its subsequent updates, both to entrepreneurs, professionals and other economic subjects, unless it is expressly established that specific rules apply only to certain specific categories of subjects. Pursuant to current legislation (Article 3 of Legislative Decree 206/2005), please note that the “consumer” is the natural person who acts for purposes unrelated to any entrepreneurial, commercial, craft or professional activity carried out.

To accept these CGDU, the user must have the power to enter into binding contracts in accordance with the law. Adult users may enter into contracts for the purchase of Rox services and / or content in favor of a minor interested in using these services. Users who are minors but over the age of 14 will be able to register on the Rox sites, with the consent of their parent / guardian.

By filling out the registration form, the user declares to be of age and / or to have obtained the consent to act from their parent / guardian.

1. Rox Websites
In this document, reference is made to digital assets made available on Rox’s websites and / or platforms, including software, content, apps and other digital products or services .

2. Ownership of Rox Website Materials
Rox’s websites and / or platforms contain information, text, software, photos, video, graphics, music, audio, editorial content and other material (“Materials ”) Protected by copyrights, trademarks, patents and other intellectual property rights (” Intellectual Property Rights “). Any right, title and interest relating to the aforementioned Materials and Intellectual Property Rights belongs solely and exclusively to Rox or its licensors and suppliers.

3. Use of Materials
3.1. Permitted Uses of Materials. Rox authorizes users to view and, if these functions are directly available (with buttons or links to “print” / “downloading” functions) to download (make a local copy on the user’s device) and print the Materials, exclusively for personal, non-commercial purposes.
3.2. Non-commercial uses. It is possible, on an occasional and non-systematic basis, to include limited portions of Materials in documents, reports and presentations and only to the extent permitted for purposes of a non-commercial nature, not in competition with the commercial value of such Materials. In any case, the user must include the trademarks and notes present on the Rox websites and / or platforms, as well as report the appropriate attribution of their authorship, citing the authors / editors / translators and the source of the Materials (indicating “© Rox Italia – https://roxpay.eu “).
3.3 . Unauthorized uses of materials. Except as expressly permitted by Rox, you may not use, modify, adapt, reformat, download, upload, reproduce, transmit, publish, display, perform, transfer or redistribute the Materials in any form, format or medium, or by means of of any technology, without the prior written permission of Rox and the other holders of the intellectual property rights of such Materials.
It is not permitted to reproduce, use, sell, transmit, publish, send or in any way disclose or distribute the Materials. to anyone, including users belonging to the same company, school, institute or organization, whether or not there is a cost or any other compensation, including use with, or within, “course packages” or courses.
Except as expressly permitted by Rox in the licenses access to specific services / content, it is not allowed to publish the Materials within newsgroups, distribution lists, bulletin boards, educational sites, content aggregators, file storage services or any other online destination.
It is not it is permitted to reproduce illustrations, graphics, photographs, diagrams, portions of text, chapters or e-books included in the Materials.
3.4. Request for authorizations. If you wish to request permission to reproduce the Materials for purposes other than those expressly authorized, or if you have questions about the correct way to include the notes indicated in section 3.2, you can send an email to info@roxpay.eu to contact the appropriate Rox representative.

4. Availability of the Website and Materials
Rox may modify or discontinue any part, function or content of its websites and / or platforms at any time, with or without notice to the user; however, Rox undertakes, as far as possible, to notify users of significant changes to its websites and / or platforms, and to provide alternative materials in the event of the removal of substantial parts of content or functions.

5. Responsibility and Third Party Content
Rox assumes no responsibility for improper use of its services and / or platforms. Rox does not endorse any products, services or information provided by such third parties nor does it assume any responsibility, direct or indirect, for any damage or loss actually or allegedly caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on available content, goods or services. through third parties or otherwise published by third parties on Rox websites and / or platforms. Similarly, the inclusion of links to third party sites on Rox’s websites and / or platforms does not imply that the owners of those sites have given permission for this inclusion nor that they sponsor or support the websites and / or Rox platforms.

6. User content
6.1. Publication and / or submission of content by the user. Rox websites and / or platforms, in addition to providing services and products that the user can access, can provide functionality for users who upload or send comments, ideas, articles, information, data via telephone and / or email messages. , text, software, music, audio, photographs, videos, messages and other materials or presentations (“User Content”). The user can only use original legal and proper contents or for which he has otherwise obtained the right or authorization necessary for sending and in any case that comply with the current Privacy Law 2016/679, more commonly defined GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). The views and opinions expressed in any User Content do not necessarily reflect those of Rox or its suppliers. The user who publishes and / or sends the contents is solely responsible for the contents themselves. You acknowledge and agree that Rox does not pre-screen its content. Rox and its representatives reserve the right but not the obligation, in their sole discretion, to refuse to send or remove any user content in the event that it may harm the image or rights of third parties or of Rox itself, not being in line with the characteristics of its online services or with its policies and ethics.
Any user and / or third party can report to Rox the presence of any improper, illegal or infringing content on the rights of third parties through the contact form of the Website or by writing to info@roxpay.eu
6.2. Rox’s Liability for User Content. Rox does not guarantee the accuracy, integrity or quality of user content and assumes no responsibility for any errors, omissions, violations of third party rights or illegal behavior resulting from content posted, emailed or otherwise transmitted. through its websites and / or platforms.
6.3. Rox’s Use of User Content. If the user publishes and / or submits their own content, they authorize Rox to store, archive, publish, transmit, use and distribute such content. The user acknowledges and accepts that Rox reserves the right but not the obligation to keep such content indefinitely. You acknowledge and agree that Rox further reserves the right to disclose your content in combination with related personal data if required by law or if it believes in good faith that such disclosure is rightfully necessary to: (a) comply with a legal process; (b) apply the terms set forth in this document; (c) respond to complaints regarding infringement of third party rights due to user content; or (d) protect the rights, property or safety of Rox, its users and / or third parties.

7. Restrictions on the use of Rox products
The user undertakes not to use the Rox websites and / or platforms for the following purposes:
a) upload, publish, send by email or otherwise transmit the prohibited contents indicated in section 6 or that violate in some way these CGDU;
b) impersonate another person or entity or provide false or otherwise incorrect statements regarding the relationship with a person or entity, for example using another person’s login credentials;
c) upload, publish, email or otherwise transmit unsolicited or unauthorized promotional or advertising materials, junk mail, chains of Sant’Antonio, “pyramid schemes” or other forms of reminders;
d) use or attempt to use “deep-link”, “scraper”, “robot”, “bot”, “spider”, “data mining “,” computer codes “or any other process or methodology, algorithm, tool, program or device automated means, or manual process with similar functionality or procedures, to access, acquire, copy or monitor portions of Rox’s websites and / or platforms or any other Rox material without obtaining express written permission from Rox;
f) breach systems to restrict or prevent access to Rox websites and / or platforms or related products or content;
g) breach the protection of the websites and / or platforms of Rox or attempt to obtain unauthorized access to the same sites / platforms, to the related products and contents, or to the networks or systems of computers connected to the services of the websites and / or platforms, through acts of computer piracy, misappropriation of passwords or any other means;
h) interfere or attempt to interfere with the correct functioning of the websites and / or platforms of Rox or with any activity conducted on or through them, including accessing products before they are made available;
i) taking or attempting any action involving unreasonable and disproportionate heavy traffic or load on the Websites and / or platforms of Rox or related infrastructure;
j) interrupt the normal flow of interaction or act in a way that adversely affects the ability of users to make exchanges in real time or to regularly publish messages, articles or others documents;
k) interfere with or disrupt the operation of Rox’s websites and / or platforms or the servers or networks connected to it, or breach requirements, cedure, criteria or rules of such networks;
l) violate applicable local, state, national or international laws or academic regulations to which the user is required; or
m) engage in conduct that in any way compromises the commercial value of Rox’s services.

8. Responsibility of the registered user of the Rox services
The user represents and warrants to Rox that the information provided for registration and for access, free or paid, to the Rox services and contents are true, complete , accurate and updated and that, in the event of their subsequent modification, updates will be communicated to Rox within 15 days of the modification.
In the event that any of the above statements is or becomes untrue or does not fully comply with the requirements provided, Rox reserves the right to suspend and / or terminate the user’s access to its websites, services and / or platforms.
The user authorizes Rox to send contractual communications to the email address and / or to the telephone number provided for registration.
It is the user’s responsibility to obtain and make correct use of the software, hardware and telematic connections required to access and use Rox’s services and / or platforms, as well as for all the costs that this entails.
The login credentials (username and password) cannot be shared with others or in any way disclosed to third parties.
The user is responsible for all uses of the websites and / or Rox platforms and services through your username and password, made either personally by you or by others. The user is responsible for protecting and safeguarding his / her password from unauthorized use and disclosure. In the event that the user believes or notices that there has been a violation in the use of his password, for example a theft or unauthorized use, he must immediately inform Rox by contacting the Technical Support team and / or by writing to info@roxpay.eu
Rox reserves the right, at its absolute discretion, with or without notice, to suspend the user’s access to all its websites and / or platforms, or to some of them or part of them, or suspend or terminate the validity of these CGDU and consequently the user’s rights to use the websites and / or platforms, in the event of behavior or use, by the user or any other person with access to the site using the user’s username or password, deemed non-compliant with these CGDU or for any other behavior or use deemed harmful towards other end users, Rox suppliers or Rox’s interests.

9. User protection
For complaints relating to goods or services purchased online from Rox websites, the user can fill out the online form on the Rox Support . If the response to the complaint is not satisfactory with respect to these GTCS, consult the documentation of the site of the European Commission (also present in the footer of the main Rox Italia website), which provides more information for consumers about dispute resolution and the ODR web platform.

10. Disclaimer of warranty
Except as provided in the particular conditions of access to the Materials and / or services offered for sale through its websites, Rox makes no representations or warranties with respect to its websites and / or platforms; all information, content, materials and software accessible through them are provided to be used “as is” and “as available”. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, Rox disclaims any warranties and conditions, legal, express or implied, based on legal or other proceedings, implied warranties of title, non-infringement, merchantability and quality or fitness for a particular purpose, in relation to to the Materials and services of its websites and / or platforms or in connection with them. Rox also makes no representations or warranties as to the availability of its websites and / or platforms or the absence of errors, nor does it guarantee that the information on its websites and / or platforms, or other websites or platforms linked to them , will be accurate, complete or up-to-date. You expressly agree that your use of Rox’s websites and / or platforms is at your sole risk. No representations, information or recommendations, including statements regarding capacity, fitness for use or performance, made by an employee, reseller or other Rox representative, which are not contained in these TOS, shall be deemed to be Rox’s warranty for any purpose or give rise to any liability of Rox in any way, whereby you agree to disregard such statements, information or recommendations.
Where Rox is in the role of distributor, of materials accessible through its websites and / or platforms, will not exercise a control over such materials other than that which resellers of online services generally have. The views and opinions expressed in such information do not necessarily reflect those of Rox or its licensors or content providers. Rox and its content providers or licensors make no warranties or representations as to the accuracy, adequacy, truthfulness, completeness or usefulness of such information.

11. Limitation of Liability
To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, Rox, its subsidiaries and affiliates and their respective directors, officers, employees, agents, resellers and contractors (collectively “Rox interested parties”) shall in no case be liable for any claims, costs, claims, damages, losses, expenses or other liabilities of any nature whatsoever arising from the use or the inability to use the Rox websites and / or platforms, including any compensatory, incidental, direct, indirect, special, punitive or consequential damages, nor for loss of use, loss of data, loss of income or profits, loss of property or property damage, third party claims, losses caused by reliance on the Materials, content, information, websites, software or products obtained through the Rox websites and / or platforms or due to errors, omissions, interruptions, incorrect communications, deletion of files or emails, problems, defects, viruses, troians, delays in operation or transmission or any other performance problem ne, theft, destruction or unauthorized access to records, programs or websites, or other loss of any kind or character related to the use of the Rox websites and / or platforms, even if Rox has been advised of the possibility of such damages or losses arising from or connected with their use or that of any other linked website or platform. You assume full responsibility for adopting procedures related to backing up your data and checking for viruses as needed. In the event that, notwithstanding the foregoing, Rox is held liable for any damages, regardless of the type of action, including negligence, contractual performance, breach of warranty or otherwise, the liability of Rox and the Rox parties concerned may not in any way exceed, either jointly or separately, the total amount in euros paid by the user to Rox in the twelve (12) months prior to reporting the damage or offense.

12. User Responsibility
To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, you agree to defend, indemnify and hold Rox and the Rox parties concerned not liable for any claim, cost, claim, damage, loss, expenses and liabilities of any kind (including any legal or professional costs and costs of defense or prosecution for any claim), incurred or suffered by Rox and / or the Rox parties concerned, directly or indirectly, as a result of any act or omission that the user or one of the agents, contractors, employees or representatives of the user have committed in violation of these CGDU or any right of third parties or any applicable law or regulation for the use of the websites and / or Rox platforms or their content.

13. Notifications, reports and questions
Rox may send notifications to you by email, posting on its websites and / or platforms or on its Technical Support website and / or by conventional mail. Notifications from Rox are effective from the date they are received by the user.
You can notify Rox as follows. User notifications are effective from the date of receipt by Rox.
Online: Website or by email at info@roxpay.eu
Postal address in Italy: Viale G. Marconi 67 / A, Poggibonsi (SI), Italy
The notification of change of registration information, as indicated in section 8, is sent through the profile management function provided on the Rox websites and / or platforms or through the pages of the Technical Support of the Rox Italia main website.
All questions relating to these CGDU, Rox websites and / or platforms, their availability, safety or the materials contained therein, including doubts or reports regarding Invalid links, disallowed user content, or other customer or technical support issues, may be sent to the above contacts. If your inquiry or concern relates to specific links or content on a Rox website and / or platform, please include the URL of the source Rox page, any linked page URLs, and a description of the content in question to speed up the response. to the problem by Rox.
The user can request the activation of a Newsletter service aimed at keeping him informed also of Rox products and services. The Newsletter service is provided free of charge to the user who requests it. By subscribing to the Newsletter service, Rox Italia sends by email to the user who has requested it, periodically and free of charge, information on promotions and news of the Rox group. The cancellation from the Newsletter service can take place at any time through the appropriate option in the area reserved for the user or by sending an e-mail to the address: info@roxpay.eu .

14. Miscellaneous
These GCS provide for the personal rights and obligations of the user, who cannot assign, transfer or delegate his / her obligations or rights deriving from these GCS to others. Rox may assign or delegate its obligations or rights under these TOS.
In the event that any provision of these TOS is declared invalid or unenforceable for any reason by a court of competent jurisdiction, the the rest of the CGDU will remain valid and enforceable according to its terms.
You acknowledge that Rox may suffer irreparable damage as a result of the violation of these CGDU or the unauthorized use of its websites and / or platforms and related contents and that, therefore, financial compensation may not constitute a sufficient remedy for this damage. You agree that Rox shall have the right, without waiving any other rights or remedies and without further demonstration of irreparable damage or inadequate financial compensation, to claim compensation in the event of any breach of these TOS or of non-use. authorized of its websites and / or platforms or their contents. In the event that Rox ignores or does not apply one of the terms or conditions of these CGDU in one or more circumstances, through fault or for any reason, such behavior will not indicate that it will have to ignore or not apply such term or condition on other occasions, as well as no other terms or conditions of these CGDU.
The content of these CGDU cannot be modified by the behavior of Rox or the user, even if repeated, nor by any procedure or habit of third parties involved in the same or similar activities.
In addition to being an integral and substantial part of the registration form, these GCS are available on the Rox Italia main website at the link “Terms and conditions” and can be consulted at any time.

The use (even occasional) of the Service by the customer manifests full and unconditional acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions of Use of the RoxLab Services and the Terms and Condi-ons of Use of the services offered by MultiSafepay, available at https://www.multisafepay.com/terms-conditions

15. Law and competent court
These General Conditions of Use are regulated and must be interpreted and applied according to the regulations in force in the territory of the Italian Republic.
Unless the user is a consumer, the only competent judge for all disputes arising in connection with the execution of these CGDU is that of the Court of Siena.
If the user is a consumer, the competent judge remains the one provided for by Legislative Decree 206/2005.

16. Virtual Balance

The procedure for topping up the virtual account on RoxPay is done through payment with a credit or debit card. After the transaction, RoxPay immediately issues an invoice for the recharged amount, which will be stored in the user’s account for future reference. The user has the freedom to choose the amount to add to the account, with a minimum of €20.00 and a maximum of €99,999.00, and receives a transaction confirmation for verification. All operations are tracked in the system, ensuring transparency, and in case of questions, customer support is always available for clarifications and assistance regarding the recharge procedures and related invoices.

Funds within the user’s virtual account can only be used for payments and transactions within the RoxPay platform and cannot be transferred.

RoxPay reserves the right to approve or reject the addition of new top-ups to the user’s virtual account. Such approval is subject to verification of the information provided by the user and compliance with the platform’s security and compliance requirements.

RoxPay also reserves the right to monitor transactions related to top-ups of the virtual account for security and fraud prevention purposes. Users agree that transaction information may be stored and used for such purposes.

The user is responsible for the security and confidentiality of their account login credentials. Sharing credentials with third parties is prohibited, and the user is required to immediately notify RoxPay in case of suspected compromise of credentials or unauthorized access.

17. Credit Expiry

Top-ups added to the user’s virtual account may expire under certain circumstances. If a user does not use the top-ups for a period of 48 months from the date of last use, such top-ups may expire and become unavailable to the user. RoxPay undertakes to notify the user in advance regarding the impending expiry of top-ups, where possible.

18. Refund Requests

At any time, the user can request a refund of the remaining top-ups in their virtual account by completing a specific form, which can be requested via PEC at the certified email address roxlab.srl@legalmail.it. Refund requests are subject to verification and may require processing time.

19. Unilateral Modification of Terms

Rox Pay S.r.l. reserves the right to modify, at any time and without prior notice, these General Terms of Use (“GTU”) of its products and services. Such modifications will be effective as soon as they are published on Rox’s websites and/or platforms.

© 2024 Rox Pay S.r.l. All rights reserved. Last updated March 2024