The solution to cash online

Don't miss a single sale, collect online in total security and in any way: access the platform and start using RoxPay payment services

The solution to cash online
The solution to cash online

Why choose RoxPay

RoxPay specializes in technological payment services such as guarantee management, cloud payments and network infrastructure.

We focus strongly on your business needs to find the solutions that best fit your needs.

  • Credited the next business day after payment
  • PayLink and Subscriptions management
  • Free management of disputes and complaints
  • Dedicated assistance in English


Tutto quello che ti serve per incassare sul tuo e-commerce

Massimizzazione degli incassi

Semplifica e velocizza l’esperienza d’acquisto sul tuo sito e-commerce attraverso la memorizzazione dei dati della carta dei tuoi clienti.

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Reportistica avanzata

Visualizzazione delle transazioni in tempo reale, profilazione dei clienti, gestione degli incassi, annullamenti, rimborsi e pagamenti ricorrenti.

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RoxPay è conforme a tutti i protocolli di sicurezza più sofisticati grazie ad un sistema evoluto per la prevenzione delle frodi in tempo reale.

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Partner Area
Partner Area
Partner Area
Partner Area
Partner Area
Partner Area

All the tools to start your e-commerce

  • Maximization of revenue
  • Efficiency of the activity
  • Advanced reporting
  • Workload organization
  • Automated credits
  • Security and privacy

Real-time transaction viewing, customer profiling, collection management, cancellations, refunds and recurring payments.

RoxPay complies with all the most sophisticated security protocols thanks to an advanced system for real-time fraud prevention. It eventually guarantees you and your customers maximum purchase security.

Rox Pay is integrated with various channel managers, including Vertical Booking, providing seamless and integrated payment solutions for the hospitality industry